Pure Tone Audiometry Test

Pure Tone Audiometry Test

Audiometry Test

Pure tone audiometry (PTA) is the most crucial hearing test. It measures a person's hearing threshold and determines the degree, type, and shape of a hearing loss. So, diagnosis and treatment are based on the measurements of the peripheral and central auditory systems. PTA is a behavior-based, subjective hearing threshold test that looks at how a person reacts to pure tone stimuli.

What is pure tone audiometry?

A pure tone audiometry test is a hearing test used to measure a person's ability to hear different sound frequencies. The test is usually done in a soundproof room using headphones. The tested person sits in a chair and is asked to raise their hand when they hear a sound. The test is used to determine if a person has hearing loss and to what degree. The pure tone audiometry test is not painful or invasive. It is a simple and quick test that can do in a doctor's office or an audiologist's office, and it is the most common type of hearing difficulty. 

Audiometry Test Price? 

The costs of Pure-Tone audiometry are also not too high. On average, they range from 500 to 1000 TK. In addition to the traditional writing sound tests, you can now also get an online audiometry test, and the audiogram test cost is very reasonable and cheap. 

What Is an Audiometer? 

An audiometer is a subjective device used to evaluate a person's hearing threshold. An audiologist or other trained personnel uses an audiometer and special audiometric testing techniques to determine the hearing threshold and identify and quantify a person's degree of hearing loss. Widex Hearing Centre in Dhaka, From these results, can prescribe the appropriate referral for medical treatment or possible hearing aid fitting. The audiometer's tones of different frequencies are presented at different levels in the patient's ear. The hearing threshold is when the person can hear the stimulus. An audiometer is a subjective testing device; a response from the patient is needed. 

What Type of Audiometers Are There? 

In audiometric testing, various equipment is used to conduct different tests. We differentiate between screening audiometers, diagnostic audiometers, and clinical audiometers in audiometers. At MAICO, we focus on screening and diagnostic audiometers. A screening audiometer is used to identify a potential hearing deficiency. A failed screening would require a referral for a complete diagnostic test battery. A diagnostic audiometer would be the first device used in the full diagnostic test battery. It is used to identify and quantify hearing disorders and their possible origins and therefore has more functions and flexibility than the screening audiometer. 

What Is a Diagnostic Hearing Test? 

A diagnostic hearing test follows if a patient has failed a hearing screening test. The diagnostic hearing test is used to verify a hearing loss and determine the extent, the type, and the cause of the hearing loss. An audiologist will usually perform the hearing test with the help of a diagnostic audiometer. A diagnostic hearing test can be conducted on people of any age and consists of various tests. The most common test battery consists of air conduction, bone conduction, speech testing, or over threshold testing. The diagnostic test determines the softest sound the patient can hear and usually starts with the ear, which the patient thinks has better hearing. 

Screening and Diagnostic Audiometers for Fast and Efficient Hearing Tests. We offer audiometers to help you carry out audiometric tests and procedures quickly. Choose between diagnostic or screening audiometers with various testing functions such as the automated Hughson-Westlake test or SISI. Audiometers from MAICO are designed for two different applications, screening audiometry and diagnostic audiometry. They are available as portable audiometers or as tabletop devices. Patient data and test results can easily be retrieved, stored, and printed by connecting our audiometers to your PC. 


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Pure Tone Audiometry Test
Pure Tone Audiometry Test

What is the Audiometry Test?

I. PTA (Pure Tone Audiometry)

II. Impedence

III. SRT (Stapedial Reflex Treshold)

IV. Behavior Observation Audiometry (BOA)

V. Play Audiometry

VI. Speech Audiometry

VII. Tone Decay Test

VIII. Tinnitus Matching

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